
Shaping DLF-Data for the future.

Please complete our short survey

DLF-Data is an assessment tool for professionals designed to help identify suitable AT equipment solutions and provide evidence to support prescribing decisions . It is available on subscription and used by thousands of health and social care professionals across the UK.

DLF Data is an invaluable online resource for anyone needing information on disability equipment and daily living aids, including occupational therapists, physiotherapists, care home managers, students and disability information advisors. Whether you work in health and social care, the voluntary sector or in private practice, DLF-Data can help you find solutions to your clients’ needs quickly and easily.

As a reward for taking the time to complete our survey we’re offering you a three month free trial subscription. Contact Edward Duckworth on 0300 123 3084 or email enquiries@dlf.org.uk for more information.

Start the survey

What you think...

" DLF Data is an invaluable resource for any assessor. The website provides unrivalled one-stop access to details of equipment products and their suppliers "

Mandy Sainty - Westminster City Council

" Our job would be absolutely impossible without the database "

Carolyn Forster - Disability North

" The most efficient tool available to specify equipment in an unbiased manner. I would recommend its use to other privately practising occupational therapists "

Gitte Rinds - Private OT

" An absolute goldmine of information "

Margaret Fitzpatrick - Hertfordshire County Council

" There’s no doubt that DLF has the best product database in the country, making it a tremendous resource both for disabled people and healthcare professionals. "

Ray Hodgkinson - BHTA


You can save time - a survey of our users shows that on average they find the information they need in less than half the time of using other methods. Now that DLF Data is a web app, you can use it when out on visits


You can download and print pdfs of sections. The format of these may be familiar to subscribers who used to receive DLF Data paper copies

A to B Testing

With details of over 10,000 products from almost 1,000 national suppliers all in one place, you can be sure to find the specialist products your clients might need

National Suppliers

National supplier details are provided and local retailers listed with addresses, phone numbers, email and a click-through to their websites


You can search for products using text searches, our DLF Data classes or the ISO9999:2011 international classification of assistive products


You can comment on products and share your experiences


New products are constantly added, ensuring you keep up-to-date and receive the best quality information, including dimensions, features, accessories and photos

MHRA Alerts

MHRA alerts are added to products and assistive technology literature listed, helping you keep up-to-date with research and safety issues


You can create reports listing products, national suppliers, local retailers and organisations to give to your clients. These can be printed and emailed

Sign posting

You can signpost clients to products you can't provide for them to top-up or self purchase. This can give them greater choice


DLF Data pricing information

Find out more

Further Information

For further information on how to subscribe, please call 0300 123 3084 or email our Subscription Department.

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