Assessing for Telecare Solutions


Trusted Assessor: Assessing for Telecare Solutions

Purpose of the Course
DLF is offering the Trusted Assessor: Assessing for Telecare solutions as an exclusively e-learning course. This course is for those who wish to expand their knowledge into Telecare or those who are currently assessing people for telecare equipment and want a relevant qualification.

For more details on what is included in the course, please contact or call 0300 123 3084.

Course Length
This course is now available exclusively as an online e-learning course and the new format will be up and running soon. The course itself will include 15 hours of online learning and a further 15 hours of self directed learning and tests. Learners can work at their own pace with access to the modules lasting up to six months.

There are no pre-requisites, but learners for all DLF courses should have a good standard of written and spoken English.

Every learner will be tested against the learning outcomes. This is completed through a variety of e-learning and home assessments. Once passed, all learners will receive a certificate accredited by the OCN London at Level Three. 

Learning Outcomes

  1. Understand how to mitigate risk through assessment
  2. Understand ethical implications of telecare and the policy and legislation surrounding it
  3. Understand how standard telecare solutions may limit risk
  4. Understand how to monitor and manage telecare equipment
  5. Understand the implications of the shift from analogue to digital telecare systems
  6. Understand telehealth and its benefits to the customer
  7. Understand the range of telecare technologies and their strengths and weaknesses
  8. Understand when to refer an assessment to an Occupational Therapist


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