Induction for Informal Carers


Induction for Informal Carers

Purpose of the Course
The DLF is regularly contacted by people with limited funds and time who care for a loved one but feel ill-equipped when it comes to moving and handling them. The DLF has created this low cost course with the support of freelance moving and handling trainers to provide a short induction to keep yourself and your loved one safe.

We are interested in working jointly with partners to reach carers and offer this course to them at no cost through funding from DLF and the partner organisation. To read more about our programme read our blog DLF News

For more details on what is included in the course, please contact or call 0300 123 3084.

Who is it for?
Informal Carers.

Course Length
A half-day course.

Learning Outcomes
By the end of the course the learner will be able to:

  • Understand the basics of human anatomy and the spine
  • Learn good posture and keeping themselves safe
  • Learn how to assist someone from stand to sitting
  • Learn how to move a person around a bed
  • Find out about the basics of hoists and slings
  • Know where to find further help and information

No prior knowledge is required.

This is not an accredited course.

Course Programme
The course aims to include a lot of practical elements, therefore the learners must dress in comfortable clothing.

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