Trusted Retailer


Trusted Assessor for Retailers

New for 2021

Designed for staff who work in a retail environment and who wish to be accredited for their assessment skills, the course gives retail staff the confidence to better recommend their products to their customers. The course will be accredited at level 3 by OCN London and learners will be assessed against a set of assessment criteria to competence. 

Aimed at

Staff working in a retail environment  

Course Length

E-learning, followed by one day classroom based. 

Learning Outcomes

  1. Understand techniques used to make a basic assessment of need
  2. Have knowledge of medical conditions and their impact on function
  3. Understand communication factors when assisting customers
  4. Have knowledge of services available to assist customers to be more independent
  5. Understand basic movements and ergonomics of the person
  6. Understand best practice and ethical selling to people with a disability
  7. Understand theory and models in relation to a disability
  8. Understand principles for virtual assessment and how to put them into place

This course can be booked as a commissioned course specifically for your team or contact us about a course running near you. 

Booking Details 

For further details and information on what is included in the course, please contact or call 0300 123 3084


This course is currently in review and can be subject to slight variations of the learning outcomes stated above. Any changes will be disclosed at time of booking. 

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