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If you are a member of the public looking to access our rapid self-assessment tool, AskSARA, please contact your local authority to access this service.

If you are a local authority or organisation wishing to enquire about obtaining a license for your residents, please contact us at lme-enquiries@shaw-trust.org.uk, where we will be happy to assist.

To see a list of current Local Authority & HSCP Licensees, click the button below.

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Ai Squared

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ZoomText Fusion Magnifier And Screen Reader
Computer screen magnification and screen reader software. Comprises: range of magnification levels up to 36x; eight different zoom windows; dual monit...
Zoomtext Magnifier
Screen magnification software. Comprises: range of magnification levels; font enhancement; facility to use any high-definition (HD) webcam to view and...
Zoomtext Magnifier Reader
Screen magnification and screen reader software. Comprises: range of magnification levels; font enhancement; facility to use any high-definition (HD) ...

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